GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER German Shorthaired Pointer * AKC Breed Video Order #B-GSP101 VT $24.95 German Shorthaired Pointer Annual 1993 * Order #GSPA93 SC $40.00 German Shorthaired Pointer * Champions 1952-1980 Champions 1981-1986 Order #GSPC52 SC $36.95 Order #GSPC81 SC $28.95 German Shorthaired Pointers # Diane McCarty, ed. Order #GSPKW SC $9.95 German Shorthaired Pointers Today ** David Layton 176 pp. / 100 illus. / HWL-1994 / UK Order #B-GSP401 $27.95 Mastering the German Shorthair Mark Fischer Explains how to raise and train the GSP, with emphasis on the breed's potential as a hunting dog. Provides the reader with tips gained from over 10 years of profes- sional experience covering all aspects of training--from choosing your puppy through the 'finished dog.' Also covers the history and versatility of the breed. 144 pp. / photos / 1987 Order #GSPM SC $15.95 New German Shorthaired Pointer C. Bede Maxwell 320 pp. / 100 illus. / HWL-1982 Order #B-GSP402 $29.95